Relationship between the number of average valence electrons and the critical current density of the doping MgB_2 平均价电子数与掺杂MgB2体系临界电流密度的关系
Anisotropic microstructure and critical packing density are the two key factors to influence the in-plane birefringence. 作者认为各向异性微结构和临界堆积密度是影响双折射的两大关键因素。
As an extension of the big bang theory, inflation theory predicts the universe density is rather close to the critical density. thus, the universe is flat. 根据为改进大爆炸理论而发展出来的暴胀理论,宇宙密度必定接近于临界密度,所以宇宙应是平坦的。
The critical current density is the maximum current density a material can carry under specific temperature and magnetic field conditions before it becomes resistive. 临界电流密度则是在特定的温度和磁场条件下,材料变成电阻性之前所能载荷的最大电流密度。
Critical current density distribution for armature coil of high temperature superconducting motor 高温超导电机电枢线圈临界电流密度研究
Our results show that neutrino trapping makes the critical density of K~-condensation delay to higher density and~ 0 condensation not occur. 结果显示,前中子星内的中微子束缚使得出现K-凝聚的临界密度推迟到更高的重子密度,而-K0凝聚无法出现。
Charge Dependence of the Critical Density of Strange Quark Matter in a New Mass Scaling 新的质量标度下奇异夸克物质的电荷与临界密度
The critical density of 1-hexene was determined by "the law of rectilinear diameter". 用对径直线律确定了1-己烯的临界密度。
Different from the typical evaluation index-level of service, this paper adopts critical density ratio to evaluate the operation condition of urban highway basic sections, which synthetically reflects the requests of both road managers and users. 与传统的服务水平评价不同,采用能够综合反映道路管理者和道路使用者共同要求的评价指标&临界密度比对城市快速路基本段的运行状况进行评价;
In this article we obtain the analytical solution of the back Raman scattering from 1/ 4 critical density surface in an inhomogeneous plasma, and point out the marked difference between the solutions of ω 0/ 2 and 3 ω 0/ 2 harmonics. 本文给出非均匀等离子体1/4临界密度面处后向Raman散射的解析解,指出ωo/2谐波解与3ωo/2谐波解间的明显差异。
For neutron matter with M-S interaction, the critical density of the ferromagnetic transition, the equation of state and the neutron star models are calculated. 还计算了在M-S势作用下的中子物质出现铁磁相变的临界密度、含有铁磁相变的物态方程及中子星模型。
Moreover, the cycle time of traffic signal has much influence of maximum flux and critical density. Maximum flux decreases with increased, while critical density increases with increased. 此外,模拟结果也表明了交通信号周期对最大流量和临界密度的影响,最大流量随交通信号周期的增大而减小,临界密度随交通信号周期的增大而增大;
The Sequential Sampling technology relative to a critical density of the peach fruit moth borer eggs in orchard is described in details The maximum and minimum sampling numbers are also discussed. 在分布型的基础上详细叙述了桃小食心虫卵的田间序贯抽样技术,并给出了田间抽样的最大最小抽样数量。
The particle density criterion and the temperature criterion of instability for the imperfect Fermi gas with weakly attractive interaction are given, and the dependance of the critical density of particles on the temperature and the mass of particle and the attractive interaction is discussed. 给出了不稳定性的粒子数密度判据和温度判据,就不同逸度情况下临界粒子数密度的具体表达结果以及温度、粒子质量和吸引相互作用对临界粒子数密度的影响进行了讨论。
The average relative deviations ( ARD%) of critical temperature T c, critical pressure p c and critical density ρ c between the calculated results and the experimental data for 16 systems are 0 44%, 1 31% and 1 01%, respectively. 16个体系的临界温度Tc,临界压力pc和临界密度ρc的计算值和实验值之间的平均相对偏差(ARD%)分别为044%,131%和101%。
In calculation, the effect of density profile steepening in the vicinity of the critical density has been taken into account by assuming a bilinear density profile. 计算中,通过假设等离子体密度的双线性分布而考虑了临界密度面附近的密度轮廓变陡效应。
The critical density of fixed interface charges is present for the influences of Q_f on vertical breakdown voltage. 在纵向,通过分析硅膜内的场和势的分布,提出了临界埋氧层固定界面电荷密度的概念,这是导致器件发生失效的最低界面电荷密度。
In this article, we use Poincare's gauge theory of gravitation to modify the cosmic critical density in order to search for the missing mass. The positivity of the modified critical density is discussed. 本文指出,应用Poincare's引力规范理论,考虑时空挠率对宇宙临界密度的修正,能使我们从另一途径、寻找失踪的质量。
In horizontally anisotropic earth stress field, the relationship is symmetrical relatively to 90 ° hole azimuth, and the critical density also increases with the increase of deviation angle not including the range of 90 °~ 120 °; 在水平应力各向异性的应力场,钻井液密度相对于井眼方位角等于90°处具有明显的对称性,随着井斜角的增加而增加,但井斜角等于60°~120°范围内例外;
It is proved that if there is a preformed channel, the laser pulse can still propagate in the channel of pulse-duration order, even if the plasma density is much higher than the critical density ( e.g.20 times critical density). 分析发现,在存在预通道的情况下,当等离子体通道的密度大于临界密度很多时(例如20倍临界密度),即使是在激光波长量级的通道中,激光仍然可以传播。
Cosmic Critical Density Modified by the Torsion 挠率和宇宙临界密度的修正
It is shown within the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock framework that there is the ferromagnetic phase transition in the isospin asymmetric nuclear matter at some density, above which the nuclear matter becomes stable against spin fluctuation, and the critical density for the ferromagnetic transition decreases with increasing the asymmetry parameter. 结果表明:在SkyrmeHartreeFock框架内,同位旋非对称核物质会发生从非极化态到极化态的相变,而且发生相变的临界密度随同位旋非对称度增大而降低。
The proportion of aggressive drivers amount and careful drivers amount and their deceleration probability have a strong influence on the critical density and the traffic flow greatly. 激进驾驶车辆和谨慎驾驶车辆的混合比例及它们的刹车概率对混合交通流的临界密度和流量有很大的影响。
As an example, the stimulated Raman scattering for linear chirped pump laser in near 1/ 4 critical density of inhomogeneous plasma is investigated and a clear picture of the physical process is obtained by time frequency distribution technique. 作为实例,考察了用线性啁啾激光打靶条件下,包含nc/4(nc为等离子体临界密度)的非均匀等离子体区域中的受激拉曼散射的演化,并用时频分布技术得到了清晰的物理图像。
To analyse the seff-assembly process of amphiphilic molecule given us the critical density formula of micelles forming, and researched the liquid crystals phase of amphiphilic molecule's forming, pointed out that forming of lyotropic liquid crystals simultaneously needed two conditions of density and temperature. 以肥皂液为对象分析了两亲分子自组装过程,给出了胶束形成的临界浓度公式;进而研究了两亲分子形成的液晶相,指出溶致液晶的形成同时要具备浓度和温度两个条件。
Stimulated Raman scattering ( SRS) is a three-wave parametric process in which an incident light decays into a scattered light and a plasma wave. It happens under the quarter critical density region of plasmas. 受激拉曼散射(stimulatedRamanscattering,SRS)是一个大振幅激光光波衰变为一个散射光波和一个电子等离子体波的三波共振过程,它发生在四分之一等离子体临界密度面以下。
The research is on the exciting the free carriers to reach the critical density through the process of multi-photon ionization and avalanche ionization by using the femtosecond laser on the surface of the materials and the process of the surface plasma formation. 讨论了利用飞秒激光在材料表面通过非线性光电离和雪崩电离激发自由载流子密度达到临界密度,并在材料表面形成等离子体的物理过程。
We find a first-order phase transition of cooperators fraction in two-lane system, in which defectors fraction decays exponentially when system density is less than the critical density, otherwise it remains constant after a period of evolution. 发现了合作频率在双道情形会发生一阶相变:系统密度小于临界密度时,非合作频率随时间呈指数衰减,而大于临界密度时,演化一段时间后非合作频率则保持为一常数。
The results show that the appropriate repulsion can improve the congestion critical density in simulation scenarios. 仿真结果表明,适当的排斥力作用可提高模拟场景的拥堵临界密度。
After analytical study, some exact results about the critical density and the occurrence of car accidents are obtained. 通过分析得到临界密度、交通流量以及事故率的一些解析结果。